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Memory, Disc
In case of the big orthoimage use disc to avoid low memory. In this case set proper temporary directory.
Memory works faster.

dZ number
Orthoimage may be created from many scans. In case the points form different scans on the same surface it is possible to have some "noises".
Orientation of the scans may be not enough accurate and two scans may be slightly shifted. In this case the "front" scan with less brightness will disturb the finall image.
dz is the margin where points are on tha same surface and are mixed together and the finall.

fill <0,8>
Orthoimage can have lot of small gaps because scans commonly can not cover the object with the sufficient density.
If there is empty pixel on orthoimage fill helps to paint it. Parameter is a number of not empty neigbours in a final image.
E.g. fill=4 means, if in gap's neighbourhood are at least 4 not empty pixels the gap will be calculated form them.
Value 0 means no filling.

Index : new file is created as monochrome/gray image where 0 is black and 255 is white
RGB : color of each pixel is created from Red, Green and Blue. Each color chanel starts at 0 and ends at 255

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